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The purpose of the page plan is to provide the option to split tables onto multiple pages. Currently, the page plan splits tables horizontally (i.e. row-wise), but in the future it is also planned to allow vertical (i.e. column-wise) splitting.

Pagination rules

The rules for how to split the table fall into 2 categories:

  1. Values-driven:

This feature involves splitting by the values of group and/or label variables. It is specified via one or more page_structure objects. Within the page_structure, there are two possible methods for defining the splits:

  • Split by every unique value of a group or label variable. This can be done by passing the value “.default” as such: page_structure(group_val = ".default").

  • Split by a specific value of a group or label variable. This can be done by passing the specific value as such: page_structure(label_val = "n"). This will split after rows where label_val = “n”. If there are consecutive rows with label_val = “n”, it will split after the final row of that section of rows. This logic extends to instances where there are multiple sections with consecutive rows with label_val = “n”; there will be a split at the bottom of each section. Note: There can only be one page_structure that includes this level of specificity.

These methods can also be combined with a page_structure or across multiple page_structures. For example, page_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n") will split on every unique group_val, as well as every instance where label_val = “n”.

If any of the page_structures contain a “.default”, it may be desired to print a note indicating the grouping value for the given page at the time of rendering. The location of this note can be specified via the note_loc parameter in page_plan. The functionality for note_loc may be limited by the desired output type; for example, “preheader” is only available for RTF outputs, while “source_note” and “subtitle” are available for all output types.

  1. Max Rows-driven:

This feature, available via the max_rows argument in page_plan, involves splitting based on the maximum number of rows per table. Rows dedicated to group labels (without data) are included in the row counts. If a set of rows within a single group value are split apart, the group label will be repeated for each page.

NOTE: If both max_rows and page_structure are provided to the page_plan, the table will first be split according to the page_structure, follwed by the max_rows.

Examples of each of these approaches are below. To reduce the amount of code displayed in the examples, following the initial table, tfrmt’s layering functionality will be used to add the page_plan. For more information about this, see the “Layering tfrmts” vignette.

Values-driven splitting

Let’s take a subset of our example demography data.
Expand for the code used to produce this subset
data_demog2 <- data_demog %>% 
  filter(rowlbl1 %in% unique(rowlbl1)[1:3])
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> # Groups:   rowlbl1 [1]
#>   rowlbl1 rowlbl2 param grp    ord1  ord2 column                 value
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>
#> 1 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Placebo               86    
#> 2 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Xanomeline Low Dose   84    
#> 3 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Xanomeline High Dose  84    
#> 4 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Total                254    
#> 5 Age (y) n       p     cont      1     1 p-value                0.593
#> 6 Age (y) Mean    Mean  cont      1     2 Placebo               75.2

The formatted table as a single page is as follows:

base_tfrmt <- tfrmt(
  # specify columns in the data
  group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
  label = rowlbl2,
  column = column, 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt_combine("{n} {pct}", 
                                                                                n = frmt("xxx"),
                                                                                pct = frmt_when("==100" ~ "",
                                                                                                "==0" ~ "",
                                                                                                TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", frmt("xxx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("Mean", "Median", "Min","Max"), frmt("xxx.x")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "SD", frmt("xxx.xx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", p = frmt("")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("n","<65 yrs","<12 months","<25"), p = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                                                                                          "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                                                                                          TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = "")))
  # remove extra cols
  col_plan = col_plan(-grp, 
                      -starts_with("ord") ),
  # Specify column styling plan
  col_style_plan = col_style_plan(
    col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = vars(Placebo, contains("Dose"), "Total", "p-value"))
  # Specify row group plan
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(
    row_grp_structure(group_val = ".default", element_block(post_space = " ")),
    label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "column")

base_tfrmt %>% 
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n  86           84           84          254          0.593
Mean  75.2         75.7         74.4         75.1             
SD   8.59         8.29         7.89         8.25            
Median  76.0         77.5         76.0         77.0             
Min  52.0         51.0         56.0         51.0             
Max  89.0         88.0         88.0         89.0             
<65 yrs  14 (16.3 %)   8 ( 9.5 %)  11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs  42 (48.8 %)  47 (56.0 %)  55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs  30 (34.9 %)  29 (34.5 %)  18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
Sex n  86           84           84          254          0.141
Male  33 (38.4 %)  34 (40.5 %)  44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female  53 (61.6 %)  50 (59.5 %)  40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
Race (Origin) n  86           84           84          254          0.648
Caucasian  75 (87.2 %)  72 (85.7 %)  71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)      
African Descent   8 ( 9.3 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)      
Hispanic   3 ( 3.5 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)      
Other                             1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)      
MMSE n  86           84           84          254          0.595
Mean  18.0         17.9         18.5         18.1             
SD   4.27         4.22         4.16         4.21            
Median  19.5         18.0         20.0         19.0             
Min  10.0         10.0         10.0         10.0             
Max  23.0         24.0         24.0         24.0             
Duration of disease n  86           84           84          254          0.153
Mean  42.6         48.7         40.5         43.9             
SD  30.24        29.58        24.69        28.40            
Median  35.3         40.2         36.0         36.2             
Min   7.2          7.8          2.2          2.2             
Max 183.1        130.8        135.0        183.1             
<12 months   5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
>=12 months  81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)      
Years of education n  86           84           84          254          0.388
Mean  12.6         13.2         12.5         12.8             
SD   2.95         4.15         2.92         3.38            
Median  12.0         12.0         12.0         12.0             
Min   6.0          3.0          6.0          3.0             
Max  21.0         24.0         20.0         24.0             
Baseline weight(kg) n  86           83           84          253          0.003
Mean  62.8         67.3         70.0         66.6             
SD  12.77        14.12        14.65        14.13            
Median  60.5         64.9         69.2         66.7             
Min  34.0         45.4         41.7         34.0             
Max  86.2        106.1        108.0        108.0             
Baseline height(cm) n  86           84           84          254          0.126
Mean 162.6        163.4        165.8        163.9             
SD  11.52        10.42        10.13        10.76            
Median 162.6        162.6        165.1        162.8             
Min 137.2        135.9        146.1        135.9             
Max 185.4        195.6        190.5        195.6             
Baseline BMI n  86           83           84          253          0.013
Mean  23.6         25.1         25.3         24.7             
SD   3.67         4.27         4.16         4.09            
Median  23.4         24.3         24.8         24.2             
Min  15.1         17.7         13.7         13.7             
Max  33.3         40.1         34.5         40.1             
<25  59 (68.6 %)  47 (56.0 %)  44 (52.4 %) 150 (59.1 %) 0.233
25-<30  21 (24.4 %)  27 (32.1 %)  28 (33.3 %)  76 (29.9 %)      
>=30   6 ( 7.0 %)  10 (11.9 %)  12 (14.3 %)  28 (11.0 %)      

Every unique value of 1 variable

Suppose we want to split the table by every unique value of rowlbl1 and add a footnote indicating the table grouping. We can drop rowlbl1 from the tables since its value will be printed in the note. We will use the gt::grp_pull() function to print the individual tables nicely in the vignette.

gts <- base_tfrmt %>% 
      # page plan
      page_plan = page_plan(
        page_structure(group_val = list(rowlbl1 = ".default")),
        note_loc = "source_note"
  ) %>% 
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(1)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n 86          84          84          254          0.593
Mean 75.2        75.7        74.4         75.1             
SD  8.59        8.29        7.89         8.25            
Median 76.0        77.5        76.0         77.0             
Min 52.0        51.0        56.0         51.0             
Max 89.0        88.0        88.0         89.0             
<65 yrs 14 (16.3 %)  8 ( 9.5 %) 11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs 42 (48.8 %) 47 (56.0 %) 55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs 30 (34.9 %) 29 (34.5 %) 18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
rowlbl1: Age (y)
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(2)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Sex n 86          84          84          254          0.141
Male 33 (38.4 %) 34 (40.5 %) 44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female 53 (61.6 %) 50 (59.5 %) 40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
rowlbl1: Sex
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(3)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Race (Origin) n 86          84          84          254          0.648
Caucasian 75 (87.2 %) 72 (85.7 %) 71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)      
African Descent  8 ( 9.3 %)  6 ( 7.1 %)  9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)      
Hispanic  3 ( 3.5 %)  6 ( 7.1 %)  3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)      
Other                          1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)      
rowlbl1: Race (Origin)

Every unique value of 2 variables

We could also choose to split on both grouping variables as such (showing first 3 tables only):

gts <- base_tfrmt %>% 
      # page plan
      page_plan = page_plan(
        page_structure(group_val = ".default"),
        note_loc = "source_note"
  ) %>% 
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(1)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n 86    84    84    254    0.593
Mean 75.2  75.7  74.4   75.1       
SD  8.59  8.29  7.89   8.25      
Median 76.0  77.5  76.0   77.0       
Min 52.0  51.0  56.0   51.0       
Max 89.0  88.0  88.0   89.0       
rowlbl1: Age (y), grp: cont
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(2)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) <65 yrs 14 (16.3 %)  8 ( 9.5 %) 11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs 42 (48.8 %) 47 (56.0 %) 55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs 30 (34.9 %) 29 (34.5 %) 18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
rowlbl1: Age (y), grp: cat
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(3)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Sex n 86          84          84          254          0.141
Male 33 (38.4 %) 34 (40.5 %) 44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female 53 (61.6 %) 50 (59.5 %) 40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
rowlbl1: Sex, grp: cat

Specific value of a variable

Finally, we could split on a specific value observed in the data. For example, rowlbl1 = “Age (y)”.

gts <- base_tfrmt %>% 
      # page plan
      page_plan = page_plan(
        page_structure(group_val = list(rowlbl1 = "Age (y)")),
        note_loc = "source_note"
  ) %>% 
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(1)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n 86          84          84          254          0.593
Mean 75.2        75.7        74.4         75.1             
SD  8.59        8.29        7.89         8.25            
Median 76.0        77.5        76.0         77.0             
Min 52.0        51.0        56.0         51.0             
Max 89.0        88.0        88.0         89.0             
<65 yrs 14 (16.3 %)  8 ( 9.5 %) 11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs 42 (48.8 %) 47 (56.0 %) 55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs 30 (34.9 %) 29 (34.5 %) 18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(2)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Sex n  86           84           84          254          0.141
Male  33 (38.4 %)  34 (40.5 %)  44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female  53 (61.6 %)  50 (59.5 %)  40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
Race (Origin) n  86           84           84          254          0.648
Caucasian  75 (87.2 %)  72 (85.7 %)  71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)      
African Descent   8 ( 9.3 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)      
Hispanic   3 ( 3.5 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)      
Other                             1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)      
MMSE n  86           84           84          254          0.595
Mean  18.0         17.9         18.5         18.1             
SD   4.27         4.22         4.16         4.21            
Median  19.5         18.0         20.0         19.0             
Min  10.0         10.0         10.0         10.0             
Max  23.0         24.0         24.0         24.0             
Duration of disease n  86           84           84          254          0.153
Mean  42.6         48.7         40.5         43.9             
SD  30.24        29.58        24.69        28.40            
Median  35.3         40.2         36.0         36.2             
Min   7.2          7.8          2.2          2.2             
Max 183.1        130.8        135.0        183.1             
<12 months   5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
>=12 months  81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)      
Years of education n  86           84           84          254          0.388
Mean  12.6         13.2         12.5         12.8             
SD   2.95         4.15         2.92         3.38            
Median  12.0         12.0         12.0         12.0             
Min   6.0          3.0          6.0          3.0             
Max  21.0         24.0         20.0         24.0             
Baseline weight(kg) n  86           83           84          253          0.003
Mean  62.8         67.3         70.0         66.6             
SD  12.77        14.12        14.65        14.13            
Median  60.5         64.9         69.2         66.7             
Min  34.0         45.4         41.7         34.0             
Max  86.2        106.1        108.0        108.0             
Baseline height(cm) n  86           84           84          254          0.126
Mean 162.6        163.4        165.8        163.9             
SD  11.52        10.42        10.13        10.76            
Median 162.6        162.6        165.1        162.8             
Min 137.2        135.9        146.1        135.9             
Max 185.4        195.6        190.5        195.6             
Baseline BMI n  86           83           84          253          0.013
Mean  23.6         25.1         25.3         24.7             
SD   3.67         4.27         4.16         4.09            
Median  23.4         24.3         24.8         24.2             
Min  15.1         17.7         13.7         13.7             
Max  33.3         40.1         34.5         40.1             
<25  59 (68.6 %)  47 (56.0 %)  44 (52.4 %) 150 (59.1 %) 0.233
25-<30  21 (24.4 %)  27 (32.1 %)  28 (33.3 %)  76 (29.9 %)      
>=30   6 ( 7.0 %)  10 (11.9 %)  12 (14.3 %)  28 (11.0 %)      

Splitting based on maximum rows

To instead limit the number of rows per page, we can set the max_rows argument as such (showing first 3 tables only):

gts <- base_tfrmt %>% 
      # page plan
      page_plan = page_plan(
        max_rows = 20
  ) %>% 
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(1)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n 86          84          84          254          0.593
Mean 75.2        75.7        74.4         75.1             
SD  8.59        8.29        7.89         8.25            
Median 76.0        77.5        76.0         77.0             
Min 52.0        51.0        56.0         51.0             
Max 89.0        88.0        88.0         89.0             
<65 yrs 14 (16.3 %)  8 ( 9.5 %) 11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs 42 (48.8 %) 47 (56.0 %) 55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs 30 (34.9 %) 29 (34.5 %) 18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
Sex n 86          84          84          254          0.141
Male 33 (38.4 %) 34 (40.5 %) 44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female 53 (61.6 %) 50 (59.5 %) 40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
Race (Origin) n 86          84          84          254          0.648
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(2)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Race (Origin) Caucasian 75 (87.2 %) 72 (85.7 %) 71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)      
African Descent  8 ( 9.3 %)  6 ( 7.1 %)  9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)      
Hispanic  3 ( 3.5 %)  6 ( 7.1 %)  3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)      
Other                          1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)      
MMSE n 86          84          84          254          0.595
Mean 18.0        17.9        18.5         18.1             
SD  4.27        4.22        4.16         4.21            
Median 19.5        18.0        20.0         19.0             
Min 10.0        10.0        10.0         10.0             
Max 23.0        24.0        24.0         24.0             
Duration of disease n 86          84          84          254          0.153
Mean 42.6        48.7        40.5         43.9             
SD 30.24       29.58       24.69        28.40            
Median 35.3        40.2        36.0         36.2             
Min  7.2         7.8         2.2          2.2             
gts %>% gt::grp_pull(3)
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Duration of disease Max 183.1        130.8        135.0        183.1             
<12 months   5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
>=12 months  81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)      
Years of education n  86           84           84          254          0.388
Mean  12.6         13.2         12.5         12.8             
SD   2.95         4.15         2.92         3.38            
Median  12.0         12.0         12.0         12.0             
Min   6.0          3.0          6.0          3.0             
Max  21.0         24.0         20.0         24.0             
Baseline weight(kg) n  86           83           84          253          0.003
Mean  62.8         67.3         70.0         66.6             
SD  12.77        14.12        14.65        14.13            
Median  60.5         64.9         69.2         66.7             

Notice that for groups (defined by the rowlbl1 variable) that are split up, the group header is repeated for each table.

Paginated outputs

When pagination is applied, the result of the print_to_gt or print_mock_gt functions is a gt_group object (collection of individual gts). Passing this result to the gt::gtsave() function will result in a multi-paged output.