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These functions provide an abstracted way to approach to define formatting of table contents. By defining in this way, the formats can be layered to be more specific and general cell styling can be done first.

frmt() is the base definition of a format. This defines spacing, rounding, and missing behaviour.

frmt_combine() is used when two or more rows need to be combined into a single cell in the table. Each of the rows needs to have a defined frmt() and need to share a label.

frmt_when() is used when a rows format behaviour is dependent on the value itself and is written similarly to dplyr::case_when(). The left hand side of the equation is a "TRUE"for the default case or the right hand side of a boolean expression ">50".


frmt(expression, missing = NULL, scientific = NULL, transform = NULL, ...)

frmt_combine(expression, ..., missing = NULL)

frmt_when(..., missing = NULL)



this is the string representing the intended format. See details: expression for more a detailed description.


when a value is missing that is intended to be formatted, what value to place. See details: missing for more a detailed description.


a string representing the intended scientific notation to be appended to the expression. Ex. "e^XX" or " x10^XX".


this is what should happen to the value prior to formatting, It should be a formula or function. Ex. ~.*100if you want to convert a percent from a decimal prior to rounding


See details: ... for a detailed description.


frmt object



  • frmt() All numbers are represented by "x". Any additional character are printed as-is. If additional X's present to the left of the decimal point than the value, they will be represented as spaces.

  • frmt_combine() defines how the parameters will be combined as a glue::glue() statement. Parameters need to be equal to the values in the param column and defined in the expression as "{param1} {param2}".


  • frmt() Value to enter when the value is missing. When NULL, the value is "".

  • frmt_combine() defines how when all values to be combined are missing. When NULL the value is "".


  • frmt() These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.

  • frmt_combine() accepts named arguments defining the frmt() to be applied to which parameters before being combined.

  • frmt_when()accepts a series of equations separated by commas, similar to dplyr::case_when(). The left hand side of the equation is a "TRUE"for the default case or the right hand side of a boolean expression ">50". The right hand side of the equation is the frmt() to apply when the left side evaluates to TRUE.

See also

body_plan() combines the frmt_structures to be applied to the table body, and frmt_structure() defines which rows the formats will be applied to.

Link to related article


frmt("XXX %")
#> < frmt | Expression: `XXX %` >

#> < frmt | Expression: `XX.XXX` >

frmt("xx.xx", scientific = "x10^xx")
#> < frmt | Expression: `xx.xx` >

 "{param1} {param2}",
 param1 = frmt("XXX %"),
 param2 = frmt("XX.XXX")
#> < frmt_combine | Expression: `{param1} {param2}` >

  ">3" ~ frmt("(X.X%)"),
  "<=3" ~ frmt("Undetectable")
#> < frmt_when |  
#>   >3 ~ < frmt | Expression: `(X.X%)` >
#>   <=3 ~ < frmt | Expression: `Undetectable` > 
#>   Missing:  
#>  >

  "==100"~ frmt(""),
  "==0"~ "",
  "TRUE" ~ frmt("(XXX.X%)")
#> < frmt_when |  
#>   ==100 ~ < frmt | Expression: `` >
#>   ==0 ~ 
#>   TRUE ~ < frmt | Expression: `(XXX.X%)` > 
#>   Missing:  
#>  >