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Multiple columns of Row Labels

It is not all that unusual for listings (and some tables) to have multiple row label columns. When this happens, it is often easier to avoid using gt’s out-of-the box stub functions/formatting. An example of a table like this is the “Summary of Number of Subjects by Site” from the CDISC pilot. Image of the Summary of Number of Subjects By Site table from the CDISC pilot

To make this table the values will be long with “Pooled Id” and “Site Id” in their own columns, as if they were group or label variables. We also will need a column for the parameters even though they are all the same.

data <- tribble(
  ~`Pooled Id`,  ~`Site Id`,
"701",  "701",
"703",  "703",
"704",  "704",
"705",  "705",
"708",  "708",
"709",  "709",
"710",  "710",
"713",  "713",
"716",  "716",
"718",  "718",
"900",  "702",
"900",  "706",
"900",  "707",
"900",  "711",
"900",  "714",
"900",  "715",
"900",  "717",
"Total", " ") %>%
  crossing(col1 = c("Placebo (N=86)",
                   "Xanomeline Low Dose (N=84)",
                   "Xanomeline High Dose (N=84)",
                   "Total (N=254)"),
           col2 = factor(c("ITT", "Eff", "Com"), levels = c("ITT", "Eff", "Com"))) %>%
  mutate(val = rpois(216, 15), # Here I am just faking the data for display purposes 
         param = "val")

Once we have the data in the standard ARD format we can make the tfrmt. What makes this tfrmt different is we won’t include group or label, and our two ID columns will be displayed as regular columns. This also means that all columns of the table, including the ID columns, can be ordered via the col_plan(). Because the col_plan() follows the conventions of select() we can’t specify the order of the highest level spanning columns and the lower level columns. But, tfrmt respects the order things are put in, which is why we used a factor for the populations.

  param = "param",
  value = "val",
  column = vars(col1, col2),
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt("XX"))
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc =element_row_grp_loc("column")),
  col_plan = col_plan(
    `Pooled Id`,  `Site Id`,
    contains("High Dose"),
    contains("Low Dose"),
) %>%
Pooled Id Site Id
Placebo (N=86)
Total (N=254)
Xanomeline High Dose (N=84)
Xanomeline Low Dose (N=84)
ITT Eff Com ITT Eff Com ITT Eff Com ITT Eff Com
701 701  9 11 14 17 19  7 11 13 12 11  8 16
703 703 12 14 17 11 14 16 17 24 13 13 15 17
704 704 17 13 12 15 21 15 14  7  7 19 15 12
705 705 20 11 25 15 17 15  7 18 11 15 15 17
708 708  6 15 17 16 15 20 12 10 16 20 15 12
709 709  9 11 15 20 17 17 14 15 14 22 20 17
710 710 17 12 12 14 16 13 16 19 19 14 16 21
713 713 13 18 20 13 13 11 19 11 12 19 23 17
716 716 17 10 16 13 17 23 16  8 14 15 23 15
718 718 15 17 13 12 11 18 15  9 16 21 22 16
900 702  9 14 11 11 18 20 10 14 10 16 15 10
900 706 23 15 13 18 18  7 22 11 23 13 17 20
900 707 15 15 15 15 13 17 10 13 23 10 21 11
900 711 17 22 14 24 19 19 19 13 11 19 23 19
900 714 19 17 13 20 14 13 19 13 14  9 10 14
900 715 14 21 15 12 16  9 17 15 10 15 11 15
900 717 12 17  9 12 17  8 12 11 12 24 16 19
Total   13 12 13 10 10 11 14 10 20 15  9 12