Element Row Group Location
location = c("indented", "spanning", "column", "noprint", "gtdefault"),
indent = " "
- location
Location of the row group labels. Specifying 'indented' combines all group and label variables into a single column with each sub-group indented under its parent. 'spanning' and 'column' retain the highest level group variable in its own column and combine all remaining group and label variables into a single column with sub-groups indented. The highest level group column will either be printed as a spanning header or in its own column in the gt. The 'noprint' option allows the user to suppress group values from being printed. Finally, the 'gtdefault' option allows users to use the 'gt' defaults for styling multiple group columns.
- indent
A string of the number of spaces you want to indent
See also
for more details on how to group row group
structures, row_grp_structure()
for more details on how to specify row
group structures, element_block()
for more details on how to specify
spacing between each group.
tfrmt_spec <- tfrmt(
group = c(grp1, grp2),
label = label,
param = param,
value = value,
column = column,
row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "noprint")),
body_plan = body_plan(
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt("xx"))