Element block
element_block(post_space = c(NULL, " ", "-"), fill = TRUE)
See also
for more details on how to group row group
structures, row_grp_structure()
for more details on how to specify row group
structures, element_row_grp_loc()
for more details on how to
specify whether row group titles span the entire table or collapse.
tfrmt_spec <- tfrmt(
group = grp1,
label = label,
param = param,
value = value,
column = column,
row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(
row_grp_structure(group_val = ".default", element_block(post_space = " "))
body_plan = body_plan(
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt("xx"))