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Demography Table

For this demography table we are going to use data_demog, an example analysis results dataset found in the package, which is based on the CDISC pilot data. This dataset has two different row label columns, rowlbl1 and rowlbl2 because we are building a table with group and row labels. There are also two order columns which will be used to set the row order of the output. There is a single column to define our table’s columns (multiple column columns are used when there is column spanning). Finally there is a param column, a value column and an additional grouping column, grp, which we can use for more complex formatting.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> # Groups:   rowlbl1 [1]
#>   rowlbl1 rowlbl2 param grp    ord1  ord2 column                 value
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>
#> 1 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Placebo               86    
#> 2 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Xanomeline Low Dose   84    
#> 3 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Xanomeline High Dose  84    
#> 4 Age (y) n       n     cont      1     1 Total                254    
#> 5 Age (y) n       p     cont      1     1 p-value                0.593
#> 6 Age (y) Mean    Mean  cont      1     2 Placebo               75.2

The mock we are going to match looks like this:

Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
<65 yrs         xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)
65-80 yrs       xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
>80 yrs         xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Sex n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Male            xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Female          xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Race (Origin) n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Caucasian       xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
African Descent xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Hispanic        xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Other           xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
MMSE n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Duration of disease n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
<12 months      xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)
>=12 months     xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
Years of education n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Baseline weight(kg) n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Baseline height(cm) n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Baseline BMI n               xxx          xxx          xxx          xxx
Mean            xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
SD              xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx       xxx.xx            
Median          xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Min             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
Max             xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x        xxx.x             
<25             xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)
25-<30          xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      
>=30            xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %) xxx (xx.x %)      

For this table, we have three columns for each of the treatment groups, a total column for all groups combined, and a p-value column. The table also contains a mix of categorical and continuous analysis.

The first thing we are going to do when building out the tfrmt is specify all our columns

  # specify columns in the data
  group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
  label = rowlbl2,
  column = column, 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2)) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_demog) %>% 
    container.width = 900
ord1 ord2 Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y)


    n 1 1 86 84 84 254 0.593435775283097
    Mean 1 2 75.2093023255814 75.6666666666667 74.3809523809524 75.0866141732283 NA
    SD 1 3 8.59016712714193 8.28605059954093 7.88609384869824 8.24623389621606 NA
    Median 1 4 76 77.5 76 77 NA
    Min 1 5 52 51 56 51 NA
    Max 1 6 89 88 88 89 NA

    <65 yrs 1 7 14, 16.2790697674419 8, 9.52380952380952 11, 13.0952380952381 33, 12.992125984252 0.143917025502502
    65-80 yrs 1 8 42, 48.8372093023256 47, 55.9523809523809 55, 65.4761904761905 144, 56.6929133858268 NA
    >80 yrs 1 9 30, 34.8837209302326 29, 34.5238095238095 18, 21.4285714285714 77, 30.3149606299213 NA


    n 2 1 86 84 84 254 0.140859828596478
    Male 2 2 33, 38.3720930232558 34, 40.4761904761905 44, 52.3809523809524 111, 43.7007874015748 NA
    Female 2 3 53, 61.6279069767442 50, 59.5238095238095 40, 47.6190476190476 143, 56.2992125984252 NA
Race (Origin)


    n 3 1 86 84 84 254 0.647674941661787
    Caucasian 3 2 75, 87.2093023255814 72, 85.7142857142857 71, 84.5238095238095 218, 85.8267716535433 NA
    African Descent 3 3 8, 9.30232558139535 6, 7.14285714285714 9, 10.7142857142857 23, 9.05511811023622 NA
    Hispanic 3 4 3, 3.48837209302326 6, 7.14285714285714 3, 3.57142857142857 12, 4.7244094488189 NA
    Other 3 5 NA, NA NA, NA 1, 1.19047619047619 1, 0.393700787401575 NA


    n 4 1 86 84 84 254 0.59465975941027
    Mean 4 2 18.046511627907 17.8690476190476 18.5119047619048 18.1417322834646 NA
    SD 4 3 4.2727783404855 4.22208696726523 4.15800591577738 4.21032874412179 NA
    Median 4 4 19.5 18 20 19 NA
    Min 4 5 10 10 10 10 NA
    Max 4 6 23 24 24 24 NA
Duration of disease 


    n 5 1 86 84 84 254 0.152960564175341
    Mean 5 2 42.65 48.6916666666667 40.5071428571429 43.9393700787402 NA
    SD 5 3 30.241571504451 29.5841711516636 24.6935472070355 28.3973156262964 NA
    Median 5 4 35.3 40.25 35.95 36.25 NA
    Min 5 5 7.2 7.8 2.2 2.2 NA
    Max 5 6 183.1 130.8 135 183.1 NA

    <12 months 5 7 5, 5.81395348837209 3, 3.57142857142857 4, 4.76190476190476 12, 4.7244094488189 0.788536928535063
    >=12 months 5 8 81, 94.1860465116279 81, 96.4285714285714 80, 95.2380952380952 242, 95.2755905511811 NA
Years of education


    n 6 1 86 84 84 254 0.38750874992316
    Mean 6 2 12.5813953488372 13.1666666666667 12.5119047619048 12.751968503937 NA
    SD 6 3 2.94843973206596 4.14738510544312 2.91854910157261 3.3829227112292 NA
    Median 6 4 12 12 12 12 NA
    Min 6 5 6 3 6 3 NA
    Max 6 6 21 24 20 24 NA
Baseline weight(kg)


    n 7 1 86 83 84 253 0.00304006274608553
    Mean 7 2 62.7593023255814 67.2795180722892 70.0047619047619 66.6478260869565 NA
    SD 7 3 12.7715435329253 14.1235986486909 14.6534333717795 14.1314255372792 NA
    Median 7 4 60.55 64.9 69.2 66.7 NA
    Min 7 5 34 45.4 41.7 34 NA
    Max 7 6 86.2 106.1 108 108 NA
Baseline height(cm)


    n 8 1 86 84 84 254 0.126217916960126
    Mean 8 2 162.573255813953 163.433333333333 165.820238095238 163.931496062992 NA
    SD 8 3 11.5223611185188 10.4192400034262 10.1313515524819 10.7604472686284 NA
    Median 8 4 162.6 162.6 165.1 162.85 NA
    Min 8 5 137.2 135.9 146.1 135.9 NA
    Max 8 6 185.4 195.6 190.5 195.6 NA
Baseline BMI


    n 9 1 86 83 84 253 0.0133190726378392
    Mean 9 2 23.6360465116279 25.0626506024096 25.347619047619 24.6723320158103 NA
    SD 9 3 3.67192569419556 4.27050893303881 4.15826876019846 4.09218492698334 NA
    Median 9 4 23.4 24.3 24.8 24.2 NA
    Min 9 5 15.1 17.7 13.7 13.7 NA
    Max 9 6 33.3 40.1 34.5 40.1 NA

    <25 9 7 59, 68.6046511627907 47, 55.9523809523809 44, 52.3809523809524 150, 59.0551181102362 0.232621461976889
    25-<30 9 8 21, 24.4186046511628 27, 32.1428571428571 28, 33.3333333333333 76, 29.9212598425197 NA
    >=30 9 9 6, 6.97674418604651 10, 11.9047619047619 12, 14.2857142857143 28, 11.0236220472441 NA

While this makes a table, it isn’t a very nice table and definitely doesn’t match the mock. So let’s start with formatting all the numbers. To do this we are going to build a body_plan to add to our tfrmt. This will be a fairly quick explanation of body_plans but if you would like more information see vignettes("Body Plan")

Body plans are made up of a series of frmt_stuctures where each frmt_stucture represents the formatting of a cell within the table. The order of the frmt_structures matter; they are always applied latest to oldest. This means the first frmt_stucture in the body_plan should be the most generic. You can use the groups, labels and parameters to specify which formatting applies to which values.

To start, we are going to use all the rows that are “n (%)” as the default. This way we don’t need to list out every row that is an “n (%)” row. These rows are made up of two different values, so we will need to use frmt_combine. Next, we can format the continuous variables, which is just a straightforward one value per row so we can just use the label to filter and frmt to define the look. Finally, we want to format the p-values. This is a bit more complicated, since the p-value sits in the same row as other parameters; therefore the group and label value are not specific enough and we need something more granular. As such, we will need to specify the parameter in the frmt_structure like so: frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", p = frmt("x.xx"). Further, we also need to make sure it never displays a rounded p-value of 0 or 1. So we can use frmt_when to specify the formatting based on the value.

  # specify columns in the data
  group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
  label = rowlbl2,
  column = column, 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt_combine("{n} ({pct} %)", 
                                                                                n = frmt("xxx"),
                                                                                pct = frmt("xx.x"))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", frmt("xxx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("Mean", "Median", "Min","Max"), frmt("xxx.x")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "SD", frmt("xxx.xx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", p = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                                                                 "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                                                                 TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = "")))
  )) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_demog) %>% 
    container.width = 900
ord1 ord2 Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y)


    n 1 1  86  84  84 254 0.593
    Mean 1 2  75.2  75.7  74.4  75.1
    SD 1 3   8.59   8.29   7.89   8.25
    Median 1 4  76.0  77.5  76.0  77.0
    Min 1 5  52.0  51.0  56.0  51.0
    Max 1 6  89.0  88.0  88.0  89.0

    <65 yrs 1 7  14 (16.3 %)   8 ( 9.5 %)  11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
    65-80 yrs 1 8  42 (48.8 %)  47 (56.0 %)  55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)
    >80 yrs 1 9  30 (34.9 %)  29 (34.5 %)  18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)


    n 2 1  86  84  84 254 0.141
    Male 2 2  33 (38.4 %)  34 (40.5 %)  44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)
    Female 2 3  53 (61.6 %)  50 (59.5 %)  40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)
Race (Origin)


    n 3 1  86  84  84 254 0.648
    Caucasian 3 2  75 (87.2 %)  72 (85.7 %)  71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)
    African Descent 3 3   8 ( 9.3 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)
    Hispanic 3 4   3 ( 3.5 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)
    Other 3 5   1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)


    n 4 1  86  84  84 254 0.595
    Mean 4 2  18.0  17.9  18.5  18.1
    SD 4 3   4.27   4.22   4.16   4.21
    Median 4 4  19.5  18.0  20.0  19.0
    Min 4 5  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0
    Max 4 6  23.0  24.0  24.0  24.0
Duration of disease 


    n 5 1  86  84  84 254 0.153
    Mean 5 2  42.6  48.7  40.5  43.9
    SD 5 3  30.24  29.58  24.69  28.40
    Median 5 4  35.3  40.2  36.0  36.2
    Min 5 5   7.2   7.8   2.2   2.2
    Max 5 6 183.1 130.8 135.0 183.1

    <12 months 5 7   5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
    >=12 months 5 8  81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)
Years of education


    n 6 1  86  84  84 254 0.388
    Mean 6 2  12.6  13.2  12.5  12.8
    SD 6 3   2.95   4.15   2.92   3.38
    Median 6 4  12.0  12.0  12.0  12.0
    Min 6 5   6.0   3.0   6.0   3.0
    Max 6 6  21.0  24.0  20.0  24.0
Baseline weight(kg)


    n 7 1  86  83  84 253 0.003
    Mean 7 2  62.8  67.3  70.0  66.6
    SD 7 3  12.77  14.12  14.65  14.13
    Median 7 4  60.5  64.9  69.2  66.7
    Min 7 5  34.0  45.4  41.7  34.0
    Max 7 6  86.2 106.1 108.0 108.0
Baseline height(cm)


    n 8 1  86  84  84 254 0.126
    Mean 8 2 162.6 163.4 165.8 163.9
    SD 8 3  11.52  10.42  10.13  10.76
    Median 8 4 162.6 162.6 165.1 162.8
    Min 8 5 137.2 135.9 146.1 135.9
    Max 8 6 185.4 195.6 190.5 195.6
Baseline BMI


    n 9 1  86  83  84 253 0.013
    Mean 9 2  23.6  25.1  25.3  24.7
    SD 9 3   3.67   4.27   4.16   4.09
    Median 9 4  23.4  24.3  24.8  24.2
    Min 9 5  15.1  17.7  13.7  13.7
    Max 9 6  33.3  40.1  34.5  40.1

    <25 9 7  59 (68.6 %)  47 (56.0 %)  44 (52.4 %) 150 (59.1 %) 0.233
    25-<30 9 8  21 (24.4 %)  27 (32.1 %)  28 (33.3 %)  76 (29.9 %)
    >=30 9 9   6 ( 7.0 %)  10 (11.9 %)  12 (14.3 %)  28 (11.0 %)

Now that all the numbers look correct, we can drop the order columns and the grp column (note that while we do not want to display the grp column, it plays a role behind the scenes, which will be addressed in the next step). To do this we use a col_plan which uses tidy-select nomenclature to drop/move columns.

  # specify columns in the data
  group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
  label = rowlbl2,
  column = column, 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt_combine("{n} {pct}", 
                                                                                n = frmt("xxx"),
                                                                                pct = frmt_when("==100" ~ "",
                                                                                                "==0" ~ "",
                                                                                                TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", frmt("xxx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("Mean", "Median", "Min","Max"), frmt("xxx.x")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "SD", frmt("xxx.xx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", p = frmt("")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("n","<65 yrs","<12 months","<25"), p = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                                                                 "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                                                                 TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = "")))
  # remove extra cols
  col_plan = col_plan(-grp, 
                      -starts_with("ord") )) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_demog) %>% 
    container.width = 900
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y)

  n  86  84  84 254 0.593
  Mean  75.2  75.7  74.4  75.1
  SD   8.59   8.29   7.89   8.25
  Median  76.0  77.5  76.0  77.0
  Min  52.0  51.0  56.0  51.0
  Max  89.0  88.0  88.0  89.0
  <65 yrs  14 (16.3 %)   8 ( 9.5 %)  11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
  65-80 yrs  42 (48.8 %)  47 (56.0 %)  55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)
  >80 yrs  30 (34.9 %)  29 (34.5 %)  18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)

  n  86  84  84 254 0.141
  Male  33 (38.4 %)  34 (40.5 %)  44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)
  Female  53 (61.6 %)  50 (59.5 %)  40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)
Race (Origin)

  n  86  84  84 254 0.648
  Caucasian  75 (87.2 %)  72 (85.7 %)  71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)
  African Descent   8 ( 9.3 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)
  Hispanic   3 ( 3.5 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)
  Other   1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)

  n  86  84  84 254 0.595
  Mean  18.0  17.9  18.5  18.1
  SD   4.27   4.22   4.16   4.21
  Median  19.5  18.0  20.0  19.0
  Min  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0
  Max  23.0  24.0  24.0  24.0
Duration of disease 

  n  86  84  84 254 0.153
  Mean  42.6  48.7  40.5  43.9
  SD  30.24  29.58  24.69  28.40
  Median  35.3  40.2  36.0  36.2
  Min   7.2   7.8   2.2   2.2
  Max 183.1 130.8 135.0 183.1
  <12 months   5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
  >=12 months  81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)
Years of education

  n  86  84  84 254 0.388
  Mean  12.6  13.2  12.5  12.8
  SD   2.95   4.15   2.92   3.38
  Median  12.0  12.0  12.0  12.0
  Min   6.0   3.0   6.0   3.0
  Max  21.0  24.0  20.0  24.0
Baseline weight(kg)

  n  86  83  84 253 0.003
  Mean  62.8  67.3  70.0  66.6
  SD  12.77  14.12  14.65  14.13
  Median  60.5  64.9  69.2  66.7
  Min  34.0  45.4  41.7  34.0
  Max  86.2 106.1 108.0 108.0
Baseline height(cm)

  n  86  84  84 254 0.126
  Mean 162.6 163.4 165.8 163.9
  SD  11.52  10.42  10.13  10.76
  Median 162.6 162.6 165.1 162.8
  Min 137.2 135.9 146.1 135.9
  Max 185.4 195.6 190.5 195.6
Baseline BMI

  n  86  83  84 253 0.013
  Mean  23.6  25.1  25.3  24.7
  SD   3.67   4.27   4.16   4.09
  Median  23.4  24.3  24.8  24.2
  Min  15.1  17.7  13.7  13.7
  Max  33.3  40.1  34.5  40.1
  <25  59 (68.6 %)  47 (56.0 %)  44 (52.4 %) 150 (59.1 %) 0.233
  25-<30  21 (24.4 %)  27 (32.1 %)  28 (33.3 %)  76 (29.9 %)
  >=30   6 ( 7.0 %)  10 (11.9 %)  12 (14.3 %)  28 (11.0 %)

Now this table looks just about right. There are two problems, (1) alignment and (2) spacing between the continuous and categorical values. To take care of the alignment we are going to add a col_style_plan which accepts a series of col_style_structures. This allows columns to be aligned differently if needed. For this table, we want all the columns to align on either “.”, “,” or ” ” so our col_style_structure looks like col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = vars(everything())). After the alignment is sorted we can move on to the spacing. In order to match the spacing of the mock we need to use the extra grp column from our data. If we look at our data, we can see we want a space any time either of the groups change.

data_demog %>% 
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#> # Groups:   rowlbl1 [9]
#>    rowlbl1                grp  
#>    <chr>                  <chr>
#>  1 "Age (y)"              cont 
#>  2 "Age (y)"              cat  
#>  3 "Sex"                  cat  
#>  4 "Race (Origin)"        cat  
#>  5 "MMSE"                 cont 
#>  6 "Duration of disease " cont 
#>  7 "Duration of disease " cat  
#>  8 "Years of education"   cont 
#>  9 "Baseline weight(kg)"  cont 
#> 10 "Baseline height(cm)"  cont 
#> 11 "Baseline BMI"         cont 
#> 12 "Baseline BMI"         cat

This means that we can use a row_grp_plan with just a ".default" as the group value and it should handle all of the spacing. In addition to the spacing, row_grp_plan will let us move the spanning group labels to a separate column by changing the label_loc to “column”.

  # specify columns in the data
  group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
  label = rowlbl2,
  column = column, 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt_combine("{n} {pct}", 
                                                                                n = frmt("xxx"),
                                                                                pct = frmt_when("==100" ~ "",
                                                                                                "==0" ~ "",
                                                                                                TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", frmt("xxx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("Mean", "Median", "Min","Max"), frmt("xxx.x")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "SD", frmt("xxx.xx")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", p = frmt("")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("n","<65 yrs","<12 months","<25"), p = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                                                                 "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                                                                 TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = "")))
  # remove extra cols
  col_plan = col_plan(-grp, 
                      -starts_with("ord") ),
  # Specify column styling plan
  col_style_plan = col_style_plan(
    col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose",
                                                        "Xanomeline High Dose", "Total", "p-value")),
    col_style_structure(align = "left", col = c("rowlbl1","rowlbl2"))
    # Specify row group plan
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(
    row_grp_structure(group_val = ".default", element_block(post_space = " ")),
    label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "column")
  ) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_demog) %>% 
    container.width = 900
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose Total p-value
Age (y) n                86           84           84          254          0.593
Mean             75.2         75.7         74.4         75.1             
SD                8.59         8.29         7.89         8.25            
Median           76.0         77.5         76.0         77.0             
Min              52.0         51.0         56.0         51.0             
Max              89.0         88.0         88.0         89.0             
<65 yrs          14 (16.3 %)   8 ( 9.5 %)  11 (13.1 %)  33 (13.0 %) 0.144
65-80 yrs        42 (48.8 %)  47 (56.0 %)  55 (65.5 %) 144 (56.7 %)      
>80 yrs          30 (34.9 %)  29 (34.5 %)  18 (21.4 %)  77 (30.3 %)      
Sex n                86           84           84          254          0.141
Male             33 (38.4 %)  34 (40.5 %)  44 (52.4 %) 111 (43.7 %)      
Female           53 (61.6 %)  50 (59.5 %)  40 (47.6 %) 143 (56.3 %)      
Race (Origin) n                86           84           84          254          0.648
Caucasian        75 (87.2 %)  72 (85.7 %)  71 (84.5 %) 218 (85.8 %)      
African Descent   8 ( 9.3 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   9 (10.7 %)  23 ( 9.1 %)      
Hispanic          3 ( 3.5 %)   6 ( 7.1 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)  12 ( 4.7 %)      
Other                                       1 ( 1.2 %)   1 ( 0.4 %)      
MMSE n                86           84           84          254          0.595
Mean             18.0         17.9         18.5         18.1             
SD                4.27         4.22         4.16         4.21            
Median           19.5         18.0         20.0         19.0             
Min              10.0         10.0         10.0         10.0             
Max              23.0         24.0         24.0         24.0             
Duration of disease n                86           84           84          254          0.153
Mean             42.6         48.7         40.5         43.9             
SD               30.24        29.58        24.69        28.40            
Median           35.3         40.2         36.0         36.2             
Min               7.2          7.8          2.2          2.2             
Max             183.1        130.8        135.0        183.1             
<12 months        5 ( 5.8 %)   3 ( 3.6 %)   4 ( 4.8 %)  12 ( 4.7 %) 0.789
>=12 months      81 (94.2 %)  81 (96.4 %)  80 (95.2 %) 242 (95.3 %)      
Years of education n                86           84           84          254          0.388
Mean             12.6         13.2         12.5         12.8             
SD                2.95         4.15         2.92         3.38            
Median           12.0         12.0         12.0         12.0             
Min               6.0          3.0          6.0          3.0             
Max              21.0         24.0         20.0         24.0             
Baseline weight(kg) n                86           83           84          253          0.003
Mean             62.8         67.3         70.0         66.6             
SD               12.77        14.12        14.65        14.13            
Median           60.5         64.9         69.2         66.7             
Min              34.0         45.4         41.7         34.0             
Max              86.2        106.1        108.0        108.0             
Baseline height(cm) n                86           84           84          254          0.126
Mean            162.6        163.4        165.8        163.9             
SD               11.52        10.42        10.13        10.76            
Median          162.6        162.6        165.1        162.8             
Min             137.2        135.9        146.1        135.9             
Max             185.4        195.6        190.5        195.6             
Baseline BMI n                86           83           84          253          0.013
Mean             23.6         25.1         25.3         24.7             
SD                3.67         4.27         4.16         4.09            
Median           23.4         24.3         24.8         24.2             
Min              15.1         17.7         13.7         13.7             
Max              33.3         40.1         34.5         40.1             
<25              59 (68.6 %)  47 (56.0 %)  44 (52.4 %) 150 (59.1 %) 0.233
25-<30           21 (24.4 %)  27 (32.1 %)  28 (33.3 %)  76 (29.9 %)      
>=30              6 ( 7.0 %)  10 (11.9 %)  12 (14.3 %)  28 (11.0 %)      

AE table

For the adverse events (AE) table, we will use the data_ae analysis results data, which is also based on the CDISC pilot data. This dataset has two different row label columns, AEBODSYS and AETERM, for system organ class and preferred term, respectively. There are also two order columns which will be used to set the row order of the output. Because this table has column spanners, we have two column variables, col2 and col1 to define the hierarchy of columns. Finally, there is a param column and a value column. For brevity, we will subset to AEs with >10% prevalence in the High Dose group.

Expand for the code used to produce this subset
data_ae2 <- data_ae %>% 
  group_by(AEBODSYS, AETERM) %>% 
  mutate(pct_high = value[col2=="Xanomeline High Dose" & param=="pct"]) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  filter(pct_high >10) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   AEBODSYS        AETERM          col2             col1  param value  ord1  ord2
#>   <chr>           <chr>           <chr>            <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Placebo          n_pct n      65       0     0
#> 2 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Placebo          n_pct pct    75.6     0     0
#> 3 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Placebo          AEs   AEs   281       0     0
#> 4 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Xanomeline Low … n_pct n      77       0     0
#> 5 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Xanomeline Low … n_pct pct    91.7     0     0
#> 6 ANY BODY SYSTEM ANY BODY SYSTEM Xanomeline Low … AEs   AEs   412       0     0

The mock we are going to match looks like this:

Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
CARDIAC DISORDERS XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  DIZZINESS XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  PRURITUS XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  ERYTHEMA XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]
  RASH XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX] XXX (xx.x %) [XXX]

For this table we have three treatment group columns (Placebo, Low, and High Dose) which each have the following values reported: # of subjects with at least one AE (n), percent of subjects with at least one AE (pct), and # of AEs (AEs). We also have two p-value columns (Low Dose vs. Placebo, High Dose vs. Placebo).

Like the demography example, the first thing we are going to do when building out the tfrmt is specify all our columns. Note that col2 contains our spanning labels and col1 contains our lower level column headers:

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2)) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_ae2) %>% 
    container.width = 1000
#> The following rows of the given dataset have no format applied to them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165
#> Multiple param listed for the same group/label values.
#> The following frmt_structures may be missing from the body_plan
#> or the order may need to be changed:
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "ANY BODY SYSTEM", label_val = "ANY BODY SYSTEM", frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "CARDIAC DISORDERS", label_val = "CARDIAC DISORDERS", frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS", label_val = "GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS", frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS", label_val = "INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS", frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS", label_val = c("DIZZINESS","NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS"), frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS", label_val = c("RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS"), frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS", label_val = c("ERYTHEMA","PRURITUS","RASH","SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS"), frmt_combine("{n}, {pct}",n = frmt("xx"), pct = frmt("xx")))`
ord1 ord2
Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM 0 0 65, 75.5813953488372 281 77, 91.6666666666667 412 76, 90.4761904761905 433 0.00653312936477891 0.0136376915028284
CARDIAC DISORDERS 1 0 12, 13.953488372093 26 13, 15.4761904761905 30 15, 17.8571428571429 30 0.830838674053784 0.533664723024524
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS 5 0 17, 19.7674418604651 26 14, 16.6666666666667 22 20, 23.8095238095238 36 0.692428919010868 0.579522945659183
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS 6 0 21, 24.4186046511628 46 47, 55.9523809523809 118 40, 47.6190476190476 124 4.01936476971637e-05 0.00227387200885964
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS 6 1 6, 6.97674418604651 10 22, 26.1904761904762 32 22, 26.1904761904762 35 0.000811758368600543 0.000811758368600543
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA 6 1 3, 3.48837209302326 3 12, 14.2857142857143 20 15, 17.8571428571429 23 0.0151667414143154 0.00248031755239288
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION 6 1 3, 3.48837209302326 7 9, 10.7142857142857 18 9, 10.7142857142857 16 0.078319062603502 0.078319062603502
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS 9 0 16, 18.6046511627907 35 9, 10.7142857142857 16 13, 15.4761904761905 20 0.194038579805755 0.684680584558915
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS 15 0 8, 9.30232558139535 11 20, 23.8095238095238 40 25, 29.7619047619048 41 0.0129835630195297 0.000870133171350475
  DIZZINESS 15 1 2, 2.32558139534884 3 8, 9.52380952380952 13 11, 13.0952380952381 15 0.0556186226520671 0.009253648876646
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS 19 0 8, 9.30232558139535 12 9, 10.7142857142857 14 10, 11.9047619047619 22 0.802870189478092 0.625582203021787
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS 20 0 20, 23.2558139534884 45 39, 46.4285714285714 111 40, 47.6190476190476 104 0.00210032738584151 0.0012509423867864
  PRURITUS 20 1 8, 9.30232558139535 11 21, 25 31 26, 30.952380952381 38 0.00784138633137627 0.000480743020332539
  ERYTHEMA 20 1 8, 9.30232558139535 12 14, 16.6666666666667 22 14, 16.6666666666667 22 0.175425360790723 0.175425360790723
  RASH 20 1 5, 5.81395348837209 9 13, 15.4761904761905 18 9, 10.7142857142857 15 0.048021070861557 0.276671966759128

Next, we need to format the values using the body_plan. Recall that our body plan will be made up of a series of frmt_stuctures where each frmt_stucture represents the formatting of a cell within the table. Our AE table boils down to the following values: # of subjects with at least one AE (n), percent of subjects with at least one AE (pct), # of AEs (AEs), and p-value (pval). Because our n and pct will be combined using frmt_combine, we will have 3 frmt_structure objects. Note the use of frmt_when to format the p-values.

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
                   frmt_combine("{n} {pct}",
                                n = frmt("XXX"),
                                pct = frmt_when(
                                  "==100" ~ "",
                                  "==0" ~ "",
                                  TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   AEs = frmt("[XXX]")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   pval = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                    "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                    "<0.05" ~ frmt("*"),
                                    TRUE ~ frmt("", missing ="--")))
  )) %>% 
  print_to_gt(., data_ae2) %>% 
    container.width = 1000
ord1 ord2
Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM 0 0  65 (75.6 %) [281]  77 (91.7 %) [412]  76 (90.5 %) [433] 0.007* 0.014*
CARDIAC DISORDERS 1 0  12 (14.0 %) [ 26]  13 (15.5 %) [ 30]  15 (17.9 %) [ 30] 0.831 0.534
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS 5 0  17 (19.8 %) [ 26]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  20 (23.8 %) [ 36] 0.692 0.580
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS 6 0  21 (24.4 %) [ 46]  47 (56.0 %) [118]  40 (47.6 %) [124] <0.001 0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS 6 1   6 ( 7.0 %) [ 10]  22 (26.2 %) [ 32]  22 (26.2 %) [ 35] <0.001 <0.001
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 3]  12 (14.3 %) [ 20]  15 (17.9 %) [ 23] 0.015* 0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 7]   9 (10.7 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16] 0.078 0.078
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS 9 0  16 (18.6 %) [ 35]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  13 (15.5 %) [ 20] 0.194 0.685
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS 15 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  20 (23.8 %) [ 40]  25 (29.8 %) [ 41] 0.013* <0.001
  DIZZINESS 15 1   2 ( 2.3 %) [ 3]   8 ( 9.5 %) [ 13]  11 (13.1 %) [ 15] 0.056 0.009*
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS 19 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]   9 (10.7 %) [ 14]  10 (11.9 %) [ 22] 0.803 0.626
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS 20 0  20 (23.3 %) [ 45]  39 (46.4 %) [111]  40 (47.6 %) [104] 0.002* 0.001*
  PRURITUS 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  21 (25.0 %) [ 31]  26 (31.0 %) [ 38] 0.008* <0.001
  ERYTHEMA 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22] 0.175 0.175
  RASH 20 1   5 ( 5.8 %) [ 9]  13 (15.5 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 15] 0.048* 0.277

Almost there! Our AE table contains data for both Preferred Terms and System Organ Classes. Therefore, we do not want a typical group-level header. Instead, we want to display the System Organ Class label inline with its data, and nest the Preferred Term data underneath. Fortunately, we are able to achieve this formatting with a row_grp_plan:

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
                   frmt_combine("{n} {pct}",
                                n = frmt("XXX"),
                                pct = frmt_when(
                                  "==100" ~ "",
                                  "==0" ~ "",
                                  TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   AEs = frmt("[XXX]")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   pval = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                    "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                    "<0.05" ~ frmt("*"),
                                    TRUE ~ frmt("", missing ="--")))
  # Nest Preferred terms under SOC
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented"))
  ) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_ae2) %>% 
    container.width = 1000
ord1 ord2
Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM 0 0  65 (75.6 %) [281]  77 (91.7 %) [412]  76 (90.5 %) [433] 0.007* 0.014*
CARDIAC DISORDERS 1 0  12 (14.0 %) [ 26]  13 (15.5 %) [ 30]  15 (17.9 %) [ 30] 0.831 0.534
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS 5 0  17 (19.8 %) [ 26]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  20 (23.8 %) [ 36] 0.692 0.580
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS 6 0  21 (24.4 %) [ 46]  47 (56.0 %) [118]  40 (47.6 %) [124] <0.001 0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS 6 1   6 ( 7.0 %) [ 10]  22 (26.2 %) [ 32]  22 (26.2 %) [ 35] <0.001 <0.001
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 3]  12 (14.3 %) [ 20]  15 (17.9 %) [ 23] 0.015* 0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 7]   9 (10.7 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16] 0.078 0.078
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS 9 0  16 (18.6 %) [ 35]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  13 (15.5 %) [ 20] 0.194 0.685
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS 15 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  20 (23.8 %) [ 40]  25 (29.8 %) [ 41] 0.013* <0.001
  DIZZINESS 15 1   2 ( 2.3 %) [ 3]   8 ( 9.5 %) [ 13]  11 (13.1 %) [ 15] 0.056 0.009*
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS 19 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]   9 (10.7 %) [ 14]  10 (11.9 %) [ 22] 0.803 0.626
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS 20 0  20 (23.3 %) [ 45]  39 (46.4 %) [111]  40 (47.6 %) [104] 0.002* 0.001*
  PRURITUS 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  21 (25.0 %) [ 31]  26 (31.0 %) [ 38] 0.008* <0.001
  ERYTHEMA 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22] 0.175 0.175
  RASH 20 1   5 ( 5.8 %) [ 9]  13 (15.5 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 15] 0.048* 0.277

Our column alignment looks good as-is, except for the p-values. We can use the col_style_plan to tweak those.

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
                   frmt_combine("{n} {pct}",
                                n = frmt("XXX"),
                                pct = frmt_when(
                                  "==100" ~ "",
                                  "==0" ~ "",
                                  TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   AEs = frmt("[XXX]")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   pval = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                    "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                    "<0.05" ~ frmt("*"),
                                    TRUE ~ frmt("", missing ="--")))
  # Nest Preferred terms under SOC
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented")),
  # alignment
  # Specify column styling plan
  col_style_plan = col_style_plan(
    col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = vars(starts_with("p_")))
  ) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_ae2) %>% 
    container.width = 1000
ord1 ord2
Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM 0 0  65 (75.6 %) [281]  77 (91.7 %) [412]  76 (90.5 %) [433]  0.007*  0.014*
CARDIAC DISORDERS 1 0  12 (14.0 %) [ 26]  13 (15.5 %) [ 30]  15 (17.9 %) [ 30]  0.831   0.534 
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS 5 0  17 (19.8 %) [ 26]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  20 (23.8 %) [ 36]  0.692   0.580 
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS 6 0  21 (24.4 %) [ 46]  47 (56.0 %) [118]  40 (47.6 %) [124] <0.001   0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS 6 1   6 ( 7.0 %) [ 10]  22 (26.2 %) [ 32]  22 (26.2 %) [ 35] <0.001  <0.001 
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 3]  12 (14.3 %) [ 20]  15 (17.9 %) [ 23]  0.015*  0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION 6 1   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 7]   9 (10.7 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  0.078   0.078 
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS 9 0  16 (18.6 %) [ 35]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  13 (15.5 %) [ 20]  0.194   0.685 
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS 15 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  20 (23.8 %) [ 40]  25 (29.8 %) [ 41]  0.013* <0.001 
  DIZZINESS 15 1   2 ( 2.3 %) [ 3]   8 ( 9.5 %) [ 13]  11 (13.1 %) [ 15]  0.056   0.009*
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS 19 0   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]   9 (10.7 %) [ 14]  10 (11.9 %) [ 22]  0.803   0.626 
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS 20 0  20 (23.3 %) [ 45]  39 (46.4 %) [111]  40 (47.6 %) [104]  0.002*  0.001*
  PRURITUS 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  21 (25.0 %) [ 31]  26 (31.0 %) [ 38]  0.008* <0.001 
  ERYTHEMA 20 1   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  0.175   0.175 
  RASH 20 1   5 ( 5.8 %) [ 9]  13 (15.5 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 15]  0.048*  0.277 

Notice that we still have our order columns and the column labels could benefit from some renaming. We can add a col_plan to help with the ordering:

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
                   frmt_combine("{n} {pct}",
                                n = frmt("XXX"),
                                pct = frmt_when(
                                  "==100" ~ "",
                                  "==0" ~ "",
                                  TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   AEs = frmt("[XXX]")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   pval = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                    "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                    "<0.05" ~ frmt("*"),
                                    TRUE ~ frmt("", missing ="--")))
  # Nest Preferred terms under SOC
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented")),

  # Specify column styling plan
  col_style_plan = col_style_plan(
    col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = vars(p_low, p_high))
  # columns
  col_plan = col_plan(
  ) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_ae2)  %>% 
    container.width = 1000
Xanomeline Low Dose
Xanomeline High Dose
n_pct AEs n_pct AEs n_pct AEs p_low p_high
ANY BODY SYSTEM  65 (75.6 %) [281]  77 (91.7 %) [412]  76 (90.5 %) [433]  0.007*  0.014*
CARDIAC DISORDERS  12 (14.0 %) [ 26]  13 (15.5 %) [ 30]  15 (17.9 %) [ 30]  0.831   0.534 
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS  17 (19.8 %) [ 26]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  20 (23.8 %) [ 36]  0.692   0.580 
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS  21 (24.4 %) [ 46]  47 (56.0 %) [118]  40 (47.6 %) [124] <0.001   0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS   6 ( 7.0 %) [ 10]  22 (26.2 %) [ 32]  22 (26.2 %) [ 35] <0.001  <0.001 
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 3]  12 (14.3 %) [ 20]  15 (17.9 %) [ 23]  0.015*  0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 7]   9 (10.7 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  0.078   0.078 
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS  16 (18.6 %) [ 35]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  13 (15.5 %) [ 20]  0.194   0.685 
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  20 (23.8 %) [ 40]  25 (29.8 %) [ 41]  0.013* <0.001 
  DIZZINESS   2 ( 2.3 %) [ 3]   8 ( 9.5 %) [ 13]  11 (13.1 %) [ 15]  0.056   0.009*
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]   9 (10.7 %) [ 14]  10 (11.9 %) [ 22]  0.803   0.626 
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS  20 (23.3 %) [ 45]  39 (46.4 %) [111]  40 (47.6 %) [104]  0.002*  0.001*
  PRURITUS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  21 (25.0 %) [ 31]  26 (31.0 %) [ 38]  0.008* <0.001 
  ERYTHEMA   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  0.175   0.175 
  RASH   5 ( 5.8 %) [ 9]  13 (15.5 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 15]  0.048*  0.277 

For better control over our column labels, we can make use of col_plan’s span_structures to define the column labels and spanners order and names:

  # specify columns in the data
  group = AEBODSYS,
  label = AETERM,
  column = c(col2, col1), 
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  # specify value formatting 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
                   frmt_combine("{n} {pct}",
                                n = frmt("XXX"),
                                pct = frmt_when(
                                  "==100" ~ "",
                                  "==0" ~ "",
                                  TRUE ~ frmt("(xx.x %)")))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   AEs = frmt("[XXX]")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   pval = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                    "<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                    "<0.05" ~ frmt("*"),
                                    TRUE ~ frmt("", missing ="--")))
  # Nest Preferred terms under SOC
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented")),
  # Specify column styling plan
  col_style_plan = col_style_plan(
    col_style_structure(align = c(".",","," "), col = c(p_low, p_high))
  # columns
  col_plan = col_plan(
    ## defines the spanning column order, and then beneath them the order of their contents
      col2 = c(
        "Xanomeline High Dose (N=84)" = `Xanomeline High Dose`,
        "Xanomeline Low Dose (N=84)" = `Xanomeline Low Dose`,
        "Placebo (N=86)" = Placebo
      col1 = c(`n (%)` = `n_pct` ,
               `[AEs]` = `AEs`)
      col2 = c("Fisher's Exact p-values" = fisher_pval),
      col1 = c(
        # add a line break to help with table formatting
        `Placebo vs.\n Low Dose` = `p_low` ,
       `Placebo vs.\n High Dose` = `p_high` 
  ) %>% 
  print_to_gt(data_ae2)  %>% 
    container.width = 1000
Placebo (N=86)
Xanomeline Low Dose (N=84)
Xanomeline High Dose (N=84)
Fisher’s Exact p-values
n (%) [AEs] n (%) [AEs] n (%) [AEs] Placebo vs. Low Dose Placebo vs. High Dose
ANY BODY SYSTEM  65 (75.6 %) [281]  77 (91.7 %) [412]  76 (90.5 %) [433]  0.007*  0.014*
CARDIAC DISORDERS  12 (14.0 %) [ 26]  13 (15.5 %) [ 30]  15 (17.9 %) [ 30]  0.831   0.534 
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS  17 (19.8 %) [ 26]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  20 (23.8 %) [ 36]  0.692   0.580 
GENERAL DISORDERS AND ADMINISTRATION SITE CONDITIONS  21 (24.4 %) [ 46]  47 (56.0 %) [118]  40 (47.6 %) [124] <0.001   0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS   6 ( 7.0 %) [ 10]  22 (26.2 %) [ 32]  22 (26.2 %) [ 35] <0.001  <0.001 
  APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 3]  12 (14.3 %) [ 20]  15 (17.9 %) [ 23]  0.015*  0.002*
  APPLICATION SITE IRRITATION   3 ( 3.5 %) [ 7]   9 (10.7 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  0.078   0.078 
INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS  16 (18.6 %) [ 35]   9 (10.7 %) [ 16]  13 (15.5 %) [ 20]  0.194   0.685 
NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDERS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  20 (23.8 %) [ 40]  25 (29.8 %) [ 41]  0.013* <0.001 
  DIZZINESS   2 ( 2.3 %) [ 3]   8 ( 9.5 %) [ 13]  11 (13.1 %) [ 15]  0.056   0.009*
RESPIRATORY, THORACIC AND MEDIASTINAL DISORDERS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]   9 (10.7 %) [ 14]  10 (11.9 %) [ 22]  0.803   0.626 
SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE DISORDERS  20 (23.3 %) [ 45]  39 (46.4 %) [111]  40 (47.6 %) [104]  0.002*  0.001*
  PRURITUS   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 11]  21 (25.0 %) [ 31]  26 (31.0 %) [ 38]  0.008* <0.001 
  ERYTHEMA   8 ( 9.3 %) [ 12]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  14 (16.7 %) [ 22]  0.175   0.175 
  RASH   5 ( 5.8 %) [ 9]  13 (15.5 %) [ 18]   9 (10.7 %) [ 15]  0.048*  0.277 

Our AE table is now complete!


For this example, we will use the data_efficacy dataset, an example analysis results dataset found in the package, which is based on the CDISC pilot data for the ADAS-Cog(11) score. The goal is to recreate table 14-3.01 from the CDISC pilot.

This data is relatively simple in that it contains only 1 group column and column column, but it adds complexity in that multiple analyses are stacked together - summary statistics of different values at different time points, and the results of several different ANCOVA models. Multiple treatment groups as well as the contrasts between groups are included.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   group    label     column               param value  ord1  ord2
#>   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>                <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Baseline n         Placebo              n      79       1     1
#> 2 Baseline n         Xanomeline Low Dose  n      81       1     1
#> 3 Baseline n         Xanomeline High Dose n      74       1     1
#> 4 Baseline Mean (SD) Placebo              mean   24.1     1     2
#> 5 Baseline Mean (SD) Xanomeline Low Dose  mean   24.4     1     2
#> 6 Baseline Mean (SD) Xanomeline High Dose mean   21.3     1     2

The mock we are going to match looks like this:

Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose ord1 ord2

  n xx xx xx 1 1
  Mean (SD) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) 1 2
  Median (Range) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) 1 3
Week 24

  n xx xx xx 2 1
  Mean (SD) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) 2 2
  Median (Range) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) 2 3
Change from Baseline

  n xx xx xx 3 1
  Mean (SD) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) 3 2
  Median (Range) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) xx.x (xx;xx) 3 3
          3 3
p-value (Dose Response) 4 4
          4 4
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 5 4
  Diff of LS Means (SE) xx.x (xx.xx) xx.x (xx.xx) 5 5
  95% CI (xx.x;xx.x) (xx.x;xx.x) 5 6
          5 6
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 6 4
  Diff of LS Means (SE) xx.x (xx.xx) 6 5
  95% CI (xx.x;xx.x) 6 6

Let’s first see how the table looks without any special formatting.

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value 
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
#> The following rows of the given dataset have no format applied to them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
#> Multiple param listed for the same group/label values.
#> The following frmt_structures may be missing from the body_plan
#> or the order may need to be changed:
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Baseline", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Change from Baseline", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Week 24", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan - Placebo)", label_val = "95% CI", frmt_combine("{diff_lcl}, {diff_ucl}",diff_lcl = frmt("xx"), diff_ucl = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan - Placebo)", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", frmt_combine("{diff}, {diff_se}",diff = frmt("xx"), diff_se = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan High - Xan Low)", label_val = "95% CI", frmt_combine("{diff_lcl}, {diff_ucl}",diff_lcl = frmt("xx"), diff_ucl = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan High - Xan Low)", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", frmt_combine("{diff}, {diff_se}",diff = frmt("xx"), diff_se = frmt("xx")))`
ord1 ord2 Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 1 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 1 2 24.121780881711 24.4074074074074 21.2972972972973
  Median (Range) 1 3 21, 5, 61 21, 5, 56.7241379310345 18, 3, 57
  Mean (SD) 1 6 12.1863695136042 12.9224478515241 11.7365250390648
Week 24

  n 2 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 2 2 26.6665211697948 26.4027245636441 22.7677850264057
  Median (Range) 2 3 24, 5, 61.551724137931 25, 6, 62 20, 3, 61.551724137931
  Mean (SD) 2 6 13.7942934074663 13.1806548367334 12.4835803751227
Change from Baseline

  n 3 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 3 2 2.54474028808381 1.9953171562367 1.47048772910842
  Median (Range) 3 3 2, -11, 16 2, -11, 17 1, -7, 13
  Mean (SD) 3 6 5.80389919656815 5.55278623671741 4.26238487169685
p-value (Dose Response) 4 4 0.2447056738685
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 5 4 0.568846971341775 0.232641095885767
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 5 5 -0.466782357500736, 0.818042222283683 -1.00601359773133, 0.840529356750352
  95% CI 5 6 -2.07898454398439, 1.14541982898292 -2.66253355457861, 0.650506359115944
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 6 4 0.51964487082863
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 6 5 -0.539231240230598, 0.836108901551478
  95% CI 6 6 -2.18703933925105, 1.10857685878985

Through judicious use of body_plan’s frmt, frmt_combine, and frmt_when, we can conditionally format each of the different pieces of results. For the summary statistics, we have the number of observations (n), the mean and standard deviation (mean, sd), and the median and range (median, min, max). For the models, we have the p-value (p.value) and the least squares mean difference (diff) as well as its associated standard error (diff_se) and 95% confidence interval (diff_lcl, diff_ucl).

The label column indicates which row the various measures belong on. First, let’s format the stand-alone values: n and p-value. Notice that n always sits on a row labelled “n”; therefore we can reference it by label_val or param name in the frmt_structure. Our p-values have several different label values so it is more convenient to format them according to their param name in the frmt_structure.

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value, 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", 
                   frmt("xx")),  # we could also do: label_val = ".default", n = frmt("xx")
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   p.value = frmt_when("<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                       ">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                       TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = " ")))
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
#> The following rows of the given dataset have no format applied to them 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70
#> Multiple param listed for the same group/label values.
#> The following frmt_structures may be missing from the body_plan
#> or the order may need to be changed:
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Baseline", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Change from Baseline", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "Week 24", label_val = "Median (Range)", frmt_combine("{median}, {min}, {max}",median = frmt("xx"), min = frmt("xx"), max = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan - Placebo)", label_val = "95% CI", frmt_combine("{diff_lcl}, {diff_ucl}",diff_lcl = frmt("xx"), diff_ucl = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan - Placebo)", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", frmt_combine("{diff}, {diff_se}",diff = frmt("xx"), diff_se = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan High - Xan Low)", label_val = "95% CI", frmt_combine("{diff_lcl}, {diff_ucl}",diff_lcl = frmt("xx"), diff_ucl = frmt("xx")))`
#> - `frmt_structure(group_val = "p-value (Xan High - Xan Low)", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", frmt_combine("{diff}, {diff_se}",diff = frmt("xx"), diff_se = frmt("xx")))`
ord1 ord2 Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 1 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 1 2 24.121780881711 24.4074074074074 21.2972972972973
  Median (Range) 1 3 21, 5, 61 21, 5, 56.7241379310345 18, 3, 57
  Mean (SD) 1 6 12.1863695136042 12.9224478515241 11.7365250390648
Week 24

  n 2 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 2 2 26.6665211697948 26.4027245636441 22.7677850264057
  Median (Range) 2 3 24, 5, 61.551724137931 25, 6, 62 20, 3, 61.551724137931
  Mean (SD) 2 6 13.7942934074663 13.1806548367334 12.4835803751227
Change from Baseline

  n 3 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 3 2 2.54474028808381 1.9953171562367 1.47048772910842
  Median (Range) 3 3 2, -11, 16 2, -11, 17 1, -7, 13
  Mean (SD) 3 6 5.80389919656815 5.55278623671741 4.26238487169685
p-value (Dose Response) 4 4 0.245
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 5 4 0.569 0.233
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 5 5 -0.466782357500736, 0.818042222283683 -1.00601359773133, 0.840529356750352
  95% CI 5 6 -2.07898454398439, 1.14541982898292 -2.66253355457861, 0.650506359115944
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 6 4 0.520
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 6 5 -0.539231240230598, 0.836108901551478
  95% CI 6 6 -2.18703933925105, 1.10857685878985

Next, the remaining param values are combined in twos or threes. Therefore, we use the frmt_combine utility to achieve desired formatting:

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value, 
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", 
                   frmt("xx")),  # we could also do: label_val = ".default", n = frmt("xx")
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   p.value = frmt_when("<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                       ">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                       TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = " "))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Median (Range)", 
                   frmt_combine("{median} ({min};{max})",
                                median = frmt("xx.x"),
                                min = frmt("xx"),
                                max = frmt("xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Mean (SD)",
                   frmt_combine("{mean} ({sd})",
                                mean = frmt("xx.x"),
                                sd = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", 
                   frmt_combine("{diff} ({diff_se})",
                                diff = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_se = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "95% CI", 
                                diff_lcl = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_ucl = frmt("xx.x"), missing = " "))
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
ord1 ord2 Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 1 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 1 2 24.1 (12.19) 24.4 (12.92) 21.3 (11.74)
  Median (Range) 1 3 21.0 ( 5;61) 21.0 ( 5;57) 18.0 ( 3;57)
Week 24

  n 2 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 2 2 26.7 (13.79) 26.4 (13.18) 22.8 (12.48)
  Median (Range) 2 3 24.0 ( 5;62) 25.0 ( 6;62) 20.0 ( 3;62)
Change from Baseline

  n 3 1 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 3 2  2.5 ( 5.80)  2.0 ( 5.55)  1.5 ( 4.26)
  Median (Range) 3 3  2.0 (-11;16)  2.0 (-11;17)  1.0 (-7;13)
p-value (Dose Response) 4 4 0.245
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 5 4 0.569 0.233
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 5 5 -0.5 ( 0.82) -1.0 ( 0.84)
  95% CI 5 6 (-2.1; 1.1) (-2.7; 0.7)
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 6 4 0.520
  Diff of LS Means (SE) 6 5 -0.5 ( 0.84)
  95% CI 6 6 (-2.2; 1.1)

Now that our values are all formatted correctly, we can make sure the table is sorted appropriately by passing our order columns to sorting_cols. We can also drop these order columns from the final display using col_plan.

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", 
                   frmt("xx")),  # we could also do: label_val = ".default", n = frmt("xx")
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   p.value = frmt_when("<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                       ">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                       TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = " "))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Median (Range)", 
                   frmt_combine("{median} ({min};{max})",
                                median = frmt("xx.x"),
                                min = frmt("xx"),
                                max = frmt("xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Mean (SD)", 
                   frmt_combine("{mean} ({sd})",
                                mean = frmt("xx.x"),
                                sd = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", 
                   frmt_combine("{diff} ({diff_se})",
                                diff = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_se = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "95% CI", 
                                diff_lcl = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_ucl = frmt("xx.x"), missing = " "))
  col_plan = col_plan(
    group, label, Placebo, contains("Low"), contains("High"), -starts_with("ord")
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 24.1 (12.19) 24.4 (12.92) 21.3 (11.74)
  Median (Range) 21.0 ( 5;61) 21.0 ( 5;57) 18.0 ( 3;57)
Week 24

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 26.7 (13.79) 26.4 (13.18) 22.8 (12.48)
  Median (Range) 24.0 ( 5;62) 25.0 ( 6;62) 20.0 ( 3;62)
Change from Baseline

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD)  2.5 ( 5.80)  2.0 ( 5.55)  1.5 ( 4.26)
  Median (Range)  2.0 (-11;16)  2.0 (-11;17)  1.0 (-7;13)
p-value (Dose Response) 0.245
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 0.569 0.233
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.82) -1.0 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.1; 1.1) (-2.7; 0.7)
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 0.520
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.2; 1.1)

Notice that our row labels are not quite right. First, we have a bit of a hierarchy with the label values nested under the group values, and it would be nice to add some indentation to make the nesting more obvious. Also, in some cases, the group values also contain summary data, which means the ARD contains a matching group and label value. For summary rows, we want to suppress the printing of the extra group-level header, and display the summary data in-line. The row_grp_plan can help us with both via the row_grp_loc argument:

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", 
                   frmt("xx")),  # we could also do: label_val = ".default", n = frmt("xx")
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   p.value = frmt_when("<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                       ">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                       TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = " "))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Median (Range)", 
                   frmt_combine("{median} ({min};{max})",
                                median = frmt("xx.x"),
                                min = frmt("xx"),
                                max = frmt("xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Mean (SD)", 
                   frmt_combine("{mean} ({sd})",
                                mean = frmt("xx.x"),
                                sd = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", 
                   frmt_combine("{diff} ({diff_se})",
                                diff = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_se = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "95% CI", 
                                diff_lcl = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_ucl = frmt("xx.x"), missing = " "))
  col_plan = col_plan(
    group, label, Placebo, contains("Low"), contains("High"), -starts_with("ord")
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(
    label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented")
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 24.1 (12.19) 24.4 (12.92) 21.3 (11.74)
  Median (Range) 21.0 ( 5;61) 21.0 ( 5;57) 18.0 ( 3;57)
Week 24

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 26.7 (13.79) 26.4 (13.18) 22.8 (12.48)
  Median (Range) 24.0 ( 5;62) 25.0 ( 6;62) 20.0 ( 3;62)
Change from Baseline

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD)  2.5 ( 5.80)  2.0 ( 5.55)  1.5 ( 4.26)
  Median (Range)  2.0 (-11;16)  2.0 (-11;17)  1.0 (-7;13)
p-value (Dose Response) 0.245
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 0.569 0.233
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.82) -1.0 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.1; 1.1) (-2.7; 0.7)
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 0.520
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.2; 1.1)

Almost done! Notice that the spec also contains empty rows after different groups of data. We can mimic this behavior by passing row_grp_structure objects in our row_grp_plan. These objects define “blocks” of rows and describe how to format them. In this case, we want to add a post space after specific blocks of data. We can reference the locations of each block based on the values of the group variable.

  group = group,
  label = label,
  column = column,
  param = param,
  value = value,
  sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
  body_plan = body_plan(
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", 
                   frmt("xx")),  # we could also do: label_val = ".default", n = frmt("xx")
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", 
                   p.value = frmt_when("<0.001" ~ "<0.001",
                                       ">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
                                       TRUE ~ frmt("", missing = " "))),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Median (Range)", 
                   frmt_combine("{median} ({min};{max})",
                                median = frmt("xx.x"),
                                min = frmt("xx"),
                                max = frmt("xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Mean (SD)", 
                   frmt_combine("{mean} ({sd})",
                                mean = frmt("xx.x"),
                                sd = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "Diff of LS Means (SE)", 
                   frmt_combine("{diff} ({diff_se})",
                                diff = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_se = frmt("xx.xx"), missing = " ")),
    frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "95% CI", 
                                diff_lcl = frmt("xx.x"),
                                diff_ucl = frmt("xx.x"), missing = " "))
  col_plan = col_plan(
    group, label, Placebo, contains("Low"), contains("High"), -starts_with("ord")
  row_grp_plan = row_grp_plan(
    row_grp_structure(group_val = list(group="Change from Baseline"), 
                      element_block(post_space = " ")),
    row_grp_structure(group_val = list(group="p-value (Dose Response)"),
                      element_block(post_space = " ")),
    row_grp_structure(group_val = list(group="p-value (Xan - Placebo)"), 
                      element_block(post_space = " ")),
    label_loc = element_row_grp_loc(location = "indented")
) %>%
  print_to_gt(data_efficacy) %>% 
    container.width = 800
Placebo Xanomeline Low Dose Xanomeline High Dose

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 24.1 (12.19) 24.4 (12.92) 21.3 (11.74)
  Median (Range) 21.0 ( 5;61) 21.0 ( 5;57) 18.0 ( 3;57)
Week 24

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD) 26.7 (13.79) 26.4 (13.18) 22.8 (12.48)
  Median (Range) 24.0 ( 5;62) 25.0 ( 6;62) 20.0 ( 3;62)
Change from Baseline

  n 79 81 74
  Mean (SD)  2.5 ( 5.80)  2.0 ( 5.55)  1.5 ( 4.26)
  Median (Range)  2.0 (-11;16)  2.0 (-11;17)  1.0 (-7;13)
p-value (Dose Response) 0.245
p-value (Xan - Placebo) 0.569 0.233
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.82) -1.0 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.1; 1.1) (-2.7; 0.7)
p-value (Xan High - Xan Low) 0.520
  Diff of LS Means (SE) -0.5 ( 0.84)
  95% CI (-2.2; 1.1)

There we have it, our efficacy table is complete!