All functions |
The 'beastt' package. |
Calculate Posterior Beta |
Calculate Posterior Normal |
Calculate Posterior Weibull |
Calculate Power Prior Beta |
Calculate Power Prior Normal |
Calculate Power Prior Weibull |
Create a Propensity Score Object |
External Binary Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
External Normal Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
External Time-to-Event Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
Internal Binary Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
Internal Normal Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
Internal Time-to-Event Control Data for Propensity Score Balancing |
Test If Propensity Score Object |
Extract Means of Mixture Components |
Extract Standard Deviations of Mixture Components |
Plot Distribution |
Propensity Score Cloud Plot |
Density of the Propensity Score Object |
Histogram of the Propensity Score Object |
Love Plot of the Absolute Standardized Mean Differences |
Rescale a |
Robustify Multivariate Normal Distributions |
Robustify Normal Distributions |
Tidy a(n) prop_scr object |
Trim a |