Calculate a (potentially inverse probability weighted) normal power prior using external data.

  prior = NULL,
  external_sd = NULL



This can either be a prop_scr_obj created by calling create_prop_scr() or a tibble of the external data. If it is just a tibble the weights will be assumed to be 1. Only the external data for the arm(s) of interest should be included in this object (e.g., external control data if creating a power prior for the control mean)


Name of response variable


Either NULL or a normal distributional object that is the initial prior for the parameter of interest (e.g., control mean) before the external data are observed


Standard deviation of external response data if assumed known. It can be left as NULL if assumed unknown


Normal power prior object


Weighted participant-level response data from an external study are incorporated into an inverse probability weighted (IPW) power prior for the parameter of interest \(\theta\) (e.g., the control mean if borrowing from an external control arm). When borrowing information from an external dataset of size \(N_{E}\), the IPW likelihood of the external response data \(\boldsymbol{y}_E\) with weights \(\hat{\boldsymbol{a}}_0\) is defined as

$$\mathcal{L}_E(\theta \mid \boldsymbol{y}_E, \hat{\boldsymbol{a}}_0, \sigma_{E}^2) \propto \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2 \sigma_{E}^2} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{E}} \hat{a}_{0i} (y_i - \theta)^2 \right).$$

The prior argument should be either a distributional object with a family type of normal or NULL, corresponding to the use of a normal initial prior or an improper uniform initial prior (i.e., \(\pi(\theta) \propto 1\)), respectively.

The external_sd argument can be a positive value if the external standard deviation is assumed known or left as NULL otherwise. If external_sd = NULL, then prior must be NULL to indicate the use of an improper uniform initial prior for \(\theta\), and an improper prior is defined for the unknown external standard deviation such that \(\pi(\sigma_E^2) \propto (\sigma_E^2)^{-1}\). The details of the IPW power prior for each case are as follows:

external_sd = positive value (\(\sigma_E^2\) known):

With either a proper normal or an improper uniform initial prior, the IPW weighted power prior for \(\theta\) is a normal distribution.

external_sd = NULL (\(\sigma_E^2\) unknown):

With improper priors for both \(\theta\) and \(\sigma_E^2\), the marginal IPW weighted power prior for \(\theta\) after integrating over \(\sigma_E^2\) is a non-standardized \(t\) distribution.

Defining the weights \(\hat{\boldsymbol{a}}_0\) to equal 1 results in a conventional normal (or \(t\)) power prior if the external standard deviation is known (unknown).

See also


# This function can be used directly on the data
                      response = y,
                      prior = dist_normal(50, 10),
                      external_sd = 0.15)
#> <distribution[1]>
#> [1] N(0.59, 0.00015)

# Or this function can be used with a propensity score object
ps_obj <- calc_prop_scr(internal_df = filter(int_norm_df, trt == 0),
                        external_df = ex_norm_df,
                        id_col = subjid,
                        model = ~ cov1 + cov2 + cov3 + cov4)
                      response = y,
                      prior = dist_normal(50, 10),
                      external_sd = 0.15)
#> <distribution[1]>
#> [1] N(0.69, 0.00037)