This function creates an tfrmt for an n % table, so count based table. The
parameter values for n and percent can be provided (by default it will assume
and pct
). Additionally the frmt_when
for formatting the percent can
be specified. By default 100% and 0% will not appear and everything between
99% and 100% and 0% and 1% will be rounded using greater than (>) and less
than (<) signs respectively.
n = "n",
pct = "pct",
pct_frmt_when = frmt_when("==100" ~ frmt(""), ">99" ~ frmt("(>99%)"), "==0" ~ "", "<1"
~ frmt("(<1%)"), "TRUE" ~ frmt("(xx.x%)")),
tfrmt_obj = NULL
- n
name of count (n) value in the parameter column
- pct
name of percent (pct) value in the parameter column
- pct_frmt_when
formatting to be used on the the percent values
- tfrmt_obj
an optional tfrmt object to layer