A helper for creating positional-alignment specifications for the col_style_plan. Returns all unique formatted values to appear in the column(s) specified. Numeric values are represented by x's.
text representing character vector of formatted values to be copied and modified in the col_style_plan
tf_spec <- tfrmt(
group = c(rowlbl1,grp),
label = rowlbl2,
column = column,
param = param,
value = value,
sorting_cols = c(ord1, ord2),
body_plan = body_plan(
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default", frmt_combine("{n} ({pct} %)",
n = frmt("xxx"),
pct = frmt("xx.x"))),
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "n", frmt("xxx")),
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = c("Mean", "Median", "Min","Max"),
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = "SD", frmt("xxx.xx")),
frmt_structure(group_val = ".default", label_val = ".default",
p = frmt_when(">0.99" ~ ">0.99",
"<0.15" ~ "<0.15",
TRUE ~ frmt("x.xxx", missing = "")))
display_val_frmts(tf_spec, data_demog, col = vars(everything()))
#> c("",
#> "x",
#> " xx",
#> "xxx",
#> "x.xxx",
#> " xx.x",
#> "<x.xx",
#> " x.x",
#> "xxx.x",
#> " x.xx",
#> " xx.xx",
#> " xx (xx.x %)",
#> " x ( x.x %)",
#> "xxx (xx.x %)",
#> " x (xx.x %)",
#> " xx ( x.x %)")
display_val_frmts(tf_spec, data_demog, col = "p-value")
#> c("",
#> "x.xxx",
#> "<x.xx")