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Setting up the environment

Please perform the following steps to set up your slushy environment.

  1. Install {slushy} from github:
  1. Create a slushy_config.yml inside your project directory and customize as needed:
  1. Initialize your slushy environment by entering the following code in your RStudio console. By default, this will use the “default” config in your new slushy_config.yml file and today’s date for the snapshot.
    [NOTE: This will create some extra files and folders for use by slushy (.Rprofile, DESCRIPTION, renv/, renv.lock)]
  1. [Optional] Add any extra packages needed. [NOTE: You will receive a message of caution, as these packages were not defined in the config file as agreed-upon packages.]
  1. [Optional] Remove a package if needed.

Updating the environment

In the future, you can easily update the environment forward or backward.

# default: use latest date

# revert to a prior date
slushy_update(date = "2023-01-01")