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The {slushy} package relies on a yml file for passing environment or organization-specific settings, such as the Package Manager repository URL, agreed-upon packages to install, use and location of the cache, sandbox, project library, etc., and text/code to include in the startup script (to be stored in the .Rprofile). The available fields for the config file are as follows, with the options to customize in the “< >”:

< config name >:

  rspm_url: "< url for the package manager repository > "
     < environment variables to be set, mainly for the {renv} set-up. Defined as: >
     < {renv} project settings (`?renv::settings` for more info). Defined as: >
  date: <character string of the snapshot date as yyyy-mm-dd>
  pkgs: !expr < character vector of agreed-upon package, as R code >
  pkg_deps_ok: <logical indicating whether package dependencies are ok (TRUE) or should be flagged if used directly (FALSE)>
    pre: < character string of text to include in the beginning of startup script. NULL for none > 
    post: < character string of text to include at the end of startup script. NULL for none > 

If there is a need for an additional field, please file an issue for consideration.

The config will be passed to functions that modify the environment such as slushy_init(), slushy_add(), and slushy_update(). There are several options for the source of this config:

  1. By default {slushy} will use the config defined in the field config_name in the slushy_config.yml stored in the project root directory (see below for instructions for creating this file).

  2. If no config file is saved in the project directory, {slushy} will then use the default config stored in the {slushy} project. This config will source packages from the public Posit Package Manager.

  3. Pass the config as a list, with fields matching those above.

Custom configs

Creating a new config

To add a slushy_config.yml to your current working directory you can use the following function:

new_config() # pass config name if desired

You can modify the values in the template and/or add new configs. Please note that the config-level structure should not be modified and the config_name field is required. You can choose to add a new config to the file and edit the config_name.

Utilizing the config

The get_config() function allows you to specify the name and location of the config file (if not slushy_config.yml in the current working directory). This function will then create a list from the config file. get_config() can be used directly as an argument to the {slushy} functions as such:

slushy_init(config = get_config(config_file = "my_slushy_config.yml"))